Rush Info

We loved seeing all of you at Gobblerfest today! It’s probably about time we put up our rush info…

Open rush will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 19th in Squires 345 at 8:30pm. If you are interested in rushing and cannot make it to this date you MUST email Maggie at The second night of open rush will take place on Thursday the 20th in War Memorial Gym, room 124 at 7pm.

Closed rush is open to only those who have attended open rush and received an invitation back. This will take place at 7pm on Friday the 21st.

Please RSVP to our Facebook event so we can get an estimate of how many people will be attending!

We can’t wait to see you soon! Please keep checking both this website and the Facebook event for more information. If you have any questions please contact Maggie at the email address above.