Deltas and Spring Semester

So much has happened since our last update! We had an amazing turnout at rush and were able to extend bids to thirteen awesome rookies. The Delta class has already shown so much potential. They organized a service event with the Pulaski Humane Society a few weeks ago and everyone had a great time. Two weeks ago the rookies received their big brothers and are enjoying getting to know their new families.


Spring Break ended just a few days ago but we were excited to come back to Blacksburg to a jam-packed DYN calendar. Brothers and rookies went everywhere from California to Florida to hometowns and everywhere in between. Twenty four of us cozied up in a beach house in the Outer Banks and had an amazing time!

We have so many exciting upcoming events for the rest of the semester.

  • “Chopped” cooking challenge
  • A mystery event
  • Big/Little retreat
  • Innertube waterpolo championships
  • A DYN wallyball tournament
  • Big Event
  • A blood drive
  • Relay for Life
  • A private tour of the Taubman Art Museum in Roanoke
  • The Amazing Race!
  • A trip to the observatory
  • Senior farewell picnic
  • …And so much more!

Keep checking back for updates on Delta Psi Nu happenings!

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